Mapuana Antonio  , DrPH
Assistant ProfessorOffice of Public Health Studies, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work – University of Hawaii Manoa
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Research Interests
Dr. Mapuana Antonio is a Native Hawaiian Assistant Professor, with a joint position in Native Hawaiian and Indigenous Health at the Office of Public Health Studies and in Human Nutrition at the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. Dr. Mapuana’s research interests include general health and resilience of Native Hawaiians, determinants of health of Native Hawaiians and Indigenous Peoples, community-based participatory research, and chronic disease prevention (including obesity and diabetes prevention).
Recent Publications
- Keaulana, S., Antonio, M., Schoch, H., Banna, J. (2019). A Literature Review of the Role of Mindfulness Practices in Nutrition for Mothers and Their Children. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. doi:
1559827619866815. - Townsend Ing, C., Antonio, M., Ahn, H. J., Cassel, K., Dillard, A., Kekauoha, B. P., & Kaholokula, J. K. (2019). An examination of the relationship between discrimination, depression, and hypertension in Native Hawaiians. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 10(3), 249-257. doi:
aap0000151. - Kaholokula, J. K., Antonio, M. C. K., Ing, C. K. T., Hermosura, A., Hall, K. E., Knight, R., & Wills, T. A. (2017). The effects of perceived racism on psychological distress mediated by venting and disengagement coping in Native Hawaiians. BMC Psychology, 5, 2.
017-0171-6. - Antonio, M. C. K., Hyeong, J. A., Townsend Ing, C., Dillard, A., Cassel, K., Kekauoha, B. P., Kaholokula, J. K. (2016). Self-reported experiences of discrimination and depression in Native Hawaiians. Hawai'i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 75,9, 266-272. PMID: 27688952.