Loic Le Marchand  , MD, PhD
Cancer Epidemiology ProgramUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center – University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Work Email: loic@cc.hawaii.edu
Research Interests
The interactions between genetic and lifestyle factors responsible for the cancer risk differences that exist among ethnic/racial groups in Hawaii and California, with the goal of advancing our understanding of the causes, mechanisms and prevention of cancer.
Recent Publications
- Wang H…Le Marchand L. (2014). Trans-ethnic genome-wide association study of colorectal cancer identifies a new susceptibility locus in VTI1A. Nat Commun. 2014 Aug 8;5:4613. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5613. This is a modified citation.
- Park SL…Le Marchand L. (2014). Pleiotropic Associations of Risk Variants Identified for Other Cancers With Lung Cancer Risk: The PAGE and TRICL Consortia. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Apr 1;106(4):dju061. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju061. Epub 2014 Mar 28. This is a modified citation.
- Cheng I…Le Marchand* L. (2013). Pleiotropic effects of genetic risk variants for other cancers on colorectal cancer risk: PAGE, GECCO and CCFR consortia. Gut. 2013 Aug 9. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-305189. [Epub ahead of print] *Co-senior author. This is a modified citation.
Recent Grants
- L. Le Marchand, C. Henderson, L. Wilkens, MPIs, UM1 CA164973, National Cancer Institute, "Understanding Ethnic Differences in Cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort Study" 2012–2017.
- L. Le Marchand, PI. P01 CA169530, National Cancer Institute, "Obesity, Body Fat Distribution and Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort" 2012–2017.
- L. Le Marchand, PI of subcontract, (Haile/Lindor/Jenkins, MPIs), U01 CA167551, National Cancer Institute, "The Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort" 2012–2016.
- C. Haiman/L. Le Marchand, MPIs, National Human Genome Research Institute, "Epidemiology of Putative Causal Variants in the Multiethnic Cohort" 2013-2017.