Adrian Franke  , PhD
Director, Analytical Biochemistry Shared Resource and Professor, Natural Products and Experimental Therapeutics ProgramUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center- University of Hawaii at Manoa
Work Phone: 808.586.3008 Work Email:
Research Interests
Development of biomarkers reflecting exposure to vegetarian foods, pharmacokinetics of chemopreventive micronutrients, development of state-of-the-art analytical techniques to determine metabolites in biological matrices.
Recent Publications
- Franke AA, Custer LJ, Morrison CM, Li X, Lai JF. (2013).Simultaneous analysis of circulating 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D2, retinol, tocopherols, carotenoids, and oxidized and reduced coenzyme Q10 by HPLC with photo diode-array detection using C18 and C30 columns alone or in combination.J Chromatogr, 1301, 1-9 A.
- Franke AA, Lai JF, Morrison CM, Pagano I, Li X, Halm BM, Soon Rand Custer LJ. (2013).Coenzyme Q10, carotenoid, tocopherol, and retinol levels in cord plasma from multiethnic subjects in Hawaii. Free Radic Res, 47(9), 757-768.
Recent Grants
- U54 NCI. Identification of biomarkers in saliva for betel nut consumption. 07/01/13 – 06/30/14
- PO1 NIH/NCI. Project 1:nutritional, biochemical, and hormonal predictors. Obesity, body fat distribution and cancer risk in the multiethnic cohort. 04/01/012-03/31/17
- R01 NIH/NCI. Urinary Isoflavonoids and Stroke Risk in Chinese Women. 02/01/11-01-31/14
Loic Le Marchand  , MD, PhD
Cancer Epidemiology ProgramUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center – University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Work Email:
Research Interests
The interactions between genetic and lifestyle factors responsible for the cancer risk differences that exist among ethnic/racial groups in Hawaii and California, with the goal of advancing our understanding of the causes, mechanisms and prevention of cancer.
Recent Publications
- Wang H…Le Marchand L. (2014). Trans-ethnic genome-wide association study of colorectal cancer identifies a new susceptibility locus in VTI1A. Nat Commun. 2014 Aug 8;5:4613. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5613. This is a modified citation.
- Park SL…Le Marchand L. (2014). Pleiotropic Associations of Risk Variants Identified for Other Cancers With Lung Cancer Risk: The PAGE and TRICL Consortia. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Apr 1;106(4):dju061. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju061. Epub 2014 Mar 28. This is a modified citation.
- Cheng I…Le Marchand* L. (2013). Pleiotropic effects of genetic risk variants for other cancers on colorectal cancer risk: PAGE, GECCO and CCFR consortia. Gut. 2013 Aug 9. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-305189. [Epub ahead of print] *Co-senior author. This is a modified citation.
Recent Grants
- L. Le Marchand, C. Henderson, L. Wilkens, MPIs, UM1 CA164973, National Cancer Institute, "Understanding Ethnic Differences in Cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort Study" 2012–2017.
- L. Le Marchand, PI. P01 CA169530, National Cancer Institute, "Obesity, Body Fat Distribution and Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort" 2012–2017.
- L. Le Marchand, PI of subcontract, (Haile/Lindor/Jenkins, MPIs), U01 CA167551, National Cancer Institute, "The Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort" 2012–2016.
- C. Haiman/L. Le Marchand, MPIs, National Human Genome Research Institute, "Epidemiology of Putative Causal Variants in the Multiethnic Cohort" 2013-2017.
Unhee Lim  , PhD, MS
Full Member, Population Sciences in the Pacific ProgramUniversity of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Work Email:
Research Interests
Dr. Lim studies the role lifestyle in the development and racial/ethnic disparities of common cancers and dementia, incorporating blood biochemistry, DNA methylation, the gut microbiome, and imaging.
Recent Publications Park SY, Setiawan VW, White LR, ..., Lim U. Modifying effects of race and ethnicity and APOE on the association of physical activity with risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Alzheimers Dement 2022. PMID: 3547309. PMC9810117.
- Lim U, Wang S, Park SY, ..., Setiawan VW. Risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia by sex and race/ethnicity: The Multiethnic Cohort Study. Alzheimers Dement 2021. PMC9177893.
- Song MA, Seffernick AE, Archer KJ, ..., Lim U. Race/ethnicity-associated blood DNA methylation differences between Japanese and European American women: an exploratory study. Clin Epigenetics 2021. PMC8507376.
- Lim U, Monroe KR, Buchthal S, ..., Le Marchand L. Propensity for intra-abdominal and hepatic adiposity varies among ethnic groups. Gastroenterology 2019. PMC6409195.
- Publication list via My NCBI (
Recent Grants
U. Lim, Co-Investigator; L. Le Marchand, PI National Cancer Institute R01 CA258179 “Effects of intermittent energy restriction on intra-abdominal fat and the gut microbiome: a randomized trial” 09/2021 – 08/2026 U. Lim, PI; J. Lampe and M. Hullar, MPI National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities R01 MD018265 “Longitudinal study of early NAFLD progression and the gut microbiome in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Whites” 09/2022 – 06/2027Current Graduate Students
- Homa Sadeghi, PhD, University of Southern California (co-mentor; diet and NAFLD/MAFLD)
- Devon Cataldi (pending PhD), University of Hawaii Cancer Center (co-mentor; body composition and health/health disparities)
- Gina Nam, PhD student, University of California Los Angeles (co-mentor; risk of Alzheimer disease and related dementia in cancer survivors)
Chloe Panizza Lozano  , PhD, MHlthProm, GradDip Dietetics
Assistant Professor, Cancer Prevention in the Pacific Population Sciences ProgramUniversity of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Work Email:
Research Interests
mHealth, Nutrition Artificial Intelligence, nutrition assessment, dietary patterns, obesity prevention and management, nutrition education, dietary behavior change, and community nutrition.
Recent Publications
- Lozano, C.; Saha, S.; Broyles, S.; Martin, C.; Apolzan, J. O28 Validation of a Mobile App for Providing Real-Time Estimates of Portion Size, Energy Intake and MyPlate Food Group Servings. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022, 54(7):S14-S15. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2022.04.035
- Lozano, C.; Wilkens, L.; Shvetsov, Y.; Maskarinec, G.; Park, S.; Shepherd, J.; Boushey, C.; Hebert, J.; Wirth, M.; Ernst, T.; Randolph, T.; Lim, U.; Lampe, J.; Le Marchand, L.; Hullar, M. Associations of the Dietary Inflammatory Index with total adiposity and ectopic fat through the gut microbiota, lipopolysaccharides, and C-reactive protein in the Multiethnic Cohort-Adiposity Phenotype Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021, Dec 6:nqab398. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab398
- Panizza, C.E.; Lim, U.; Yonemori, K.M.; Cassel, K.D.; Wilkens, L.R.; Harvie, M.N.; Maskarinec, G.; Delp, E.J.; Lampe, J.W.; Shepherd, J.A.; Le Marchand, L.; Boushey, C.J. Effects of Intermittent Energy Restriction Combined with a Mediterranean Diet on Reducing Visceral Adiposity: A Randomized Active Comparator Pilot Study. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1386. doi: 10.3390/nu11061386
Recent Grants
National Institute of Food and Agriculture/USDA. Award Number 2023-67012-39409. PI: Lozano, C.. Primary Mentor: Novotny, R. Additional Mentor: Martin, C. 04/01/2023-03/31/2025. mHealth to Improve Diet Quality Among Adolescents in EFNEP in Hawaii.
Gertraud Maskarinec  , MD PhD
Professor, Cancer Epidemiology Program and Program Director, Post-Doctoral Training ProgramUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center – University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Home Phone: 808.586.3078
Research Interests
Preventive medicine and nutritional epidemiology, etiology of breast cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), and type 2 diabetes.
Recent Publications
- Maskarinec G, Harmon BE, Melissa AL, Ollberding, NJ, Kolonel LN, Henderson BE, Le Marchand L, Wilkens LR. (2015). Excess Body Weight and Colorectal Cancer Survival: The Multiethnic Cohort. Cancer Causes and Control 26: 1709-18. Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print]. PMCID: 4628582.
- Leo QJN, Ollberding NJ, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN, Henderson BE, Le Marchand L, Maskarinec G (2015). Nutritional Factors and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Survival in an Ethnically Diverse Population: The Multiethnic Cohort Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, September 2, 2015; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2015.139. PMCID: 4562319.
- Morimoto Y, Maskarinec G, Park SY, Ettienne R, Matsuno RK, Long C, Steffen AD, Henderson BE, Kolonel LN, Le Marchand L, Wilkens LR. (2014). Dietary isoflavone intake is not associated with breast cancer risk in the Multiethnic Cohort. British Journal of Nutrition 112:976-83; 23 July. [Epub ahead of print]. PMCID: 4237401.
Recent Grants
- G. Maskarinec, Program Director; J. Hedges, (PI: J. Hedges), P30 CA071789-14S1, University of Hawaii Cancer Center CCSG CURE Supplement. 07/2013 - 06/2017.
- G. Maskarinec, Co-Investigator, (PIs: L. Le Marchand/U. Lim), P01 CA168530, "Obesity, Body Fat Distribution, and Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort" 09/01/12 - 08/31/17.
- G. Maskarinec, Multiple PI of Education Core, U54 CA143727, "University of Guam/University of Hawaii Cancer Center Partnership Education Core" 09/01/15 – 08/31/20.
Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla  , PhD RDN LD IBC CLC
Associate ResearcherUniversity of Hawaii Cancer Center
Work Phone: 808-564-5915 Work Email: Work Email:
Research Interests
Nutrition and Health in Indigenous Populations, Nutritional Assessment, Infant Nutrition and Lactation
Recent Publications
- Sparks KS, Fialkowski MK, Dela Cruz R, et al. Acculturation and Health Status in the Children’s Healthy Living Program (CHL) in the Pacific Region. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2024; 21: 448.
- Fialkowski MK, Kai J, Young C, et al. An Active Image-Based Mobile Food Record Is Feasible for Capturing Eating Occasions among Infants Ages 3-12 Months Old in Hawai'i. Nutrients. 2022 Mar 3;14(5):1075. doi: 10.3390/nu14051075. PMID: 35268049; PMCID: PMC8912647.
- Fialkowski MK, Ng-Osorio J, Kai J, Swafford K, Langfelder G, Young CGL, Chen JJ, Zhu FM, Boushey CJ. Type, Timing and Diversity of Complementary Foods Among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino Infants. Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020; 79(5 Suppl 1): 127 – 134.
Recent Grants
- U24 CA268228 Wilkens (MPI); Role: Co-Investigator 1/12/2022-12/31/2026 Traditional and New Dietary Assessment Methods (TANDAM) for Personalized Nutrition
- R01 HD103885 Shepherd (MPI); Role: Co-Investigator 7/1/2021-6/30/2026 Quantifying Pediatric Body Shape in Clinical Research
John A Shepherd  , PhD
Researcher R5Population Sciences in the Pacific Program (Cancer Epidemiology), University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center
Work Email:
Research Interests
Dr. John Shepherd’s research integrates medical imaging, deep learning, and public health, with an emphasis on breast cancer, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. As Chief Scientific Officer at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, he leads NIH-funded projects, including the Hawaii Pacific Islands Mammography Registry, which explores imaging biomarkers across diverse ethnic groups. Dr. Shepherd's extensive work in deep learning has advanced the application of AI to improve cancer detection and body composition analysis. His lab focuses on reducing health disparities using cutting-edge imaging and machine learning techniques, offering rich opportunities for prospective PhD students.
Recent Publications
- Tian IY, Wong MC, Nguyen WM, Kennedy S, McCarthy C, Kelly NN, Liu YE, Garber AK, Heymsfield SB, Curless B, Shepherd JA. Automated body composition estimation from device-agnostic 3D optical scans in pediatric populations. Clin Nutr. 2023 Sep;42(9):1619-1630. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10528749.
- Wong MC, Bennett JP, Leong LT, Tian IY, Liu YE, Kelly NN, McCarthy C, Wong JMW, Ebbeling CB, Ludwig DS, Irving BA, Scott MC, Stampley J, Davis B, Johannsen N, Matthews R, Vincellette C, Garber AK, Maskarinec G, Weiss E, Rood J, Varanoske AN, Pasiakos SM, Heymsfield SB, Shepherd JA. Monitoring body composition change for intervention studies with advancing 3D optical imaging technology in comparison to dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 Apr;117(4):802-813. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10315406.
- Glaser Y, Shepherd J, Leong L, Wolfgruber T, Lui LY, Sadowski P, Cummings SR. Deep learning predicts all-cause mortality from longitudinal total-body DXA imaging. Commun Med (Lond). 2022;2:102. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9381587.
- Zhu X, Wolfgruber TK, Leong L, Jensen M, Scott C, Winham S, Sadowski P, Vachon C, Kerlikowske K, Shepherd JA. Deep Learning Predicts Interval and Screening-detected Cancer from Screening Mammograms: A Case-Case-Control Study in 6369 Women. Radiology. 2021 Dec;301(3):550-558. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8630596.
Recent Grants
- R01HD103885 Shepherd (PI) 8/9/21-5/31/26 NIH/NICHD Quantifying Body Shape in Pediatric Clinical Research The long-term goal of the Shape Up! Keiki is 1) to provide pediatric phenotype descriptors of health derived from detailed body shape scans from high-speed and high depth resolution 3D cameras, and 2) to provide the tools to visualize and quantify body shape in research and clinical practice.
- R01CA257652 Shepherd (PI) 8/9/21- 7/31/26 NIH/NCI Lesion Composition and Quantitative Imaging Analysis on Breast Cancer Diagnosis The aims of this project are 1) develop q3CB lesion signatures for distinguishing breast cancer lesions from benign lesion, 2) compare radiologists' performance without and with the inclusion of q3CB signature, and 3) investigate the utility of q3CB lesion signatures to improve sensitivity and specificity on CADe-identified suspicious lesions in the tasks of assessing malignancy and associating cancer subtypes.
- R01CA263491 Shepherd (PI) 4/1/23-3/31/28 NIH/NCI Hawaii Pacific Islands Mammography Registry (HIPIMR) Despite recent advances in early detection and treatment, breast cancer remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The HIPIMR will be the source to identify and validate novel image biomarkers for the diverse ethnic groups of this region with varying risk factor profiles including Native Hawaiians, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, and other ethnic groups. This study addresses the need for accurate identification of defined clinical and radiomic risk factors among AANHPI populations and their relation to breast cancer risk to improve outcomes for these women.
- R01DK111698 Shepherd (PI) 10/01/16- 12/31/22 NIH/NIDDK Shape Up! Kids The long-term goal of the Shape Up! Kids Study is 1) to provide pediatric phenotype descriptors of health using body shape, and 2) to provide the tools to visualize and quantify body shape in research, clinical practice, and personal health assessment.
- R01DK109008 Shepherd (PI) 05/15/16-04/30/21 NIH/NIDDK Optical Body Composition and Health Assessment The long-term goal of the Optical Body Shape and Health Assessment Study is 1) to provide phenotype descriptors of health using body shape, and 2) to provide the tools to visualize and quantify body shape in research, clinical practice, and personal health assessment.
Current Graduate Students
- Lydia Sollis, PhD in Computer Science at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2024 – Present
- Nusrat Zaman Zemi, MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2023 – Present
- Arianna Bunnell, PhD in Computer Science at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2022 – Present
- Dustin Valdez, PhD in Nutrition Science at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Chair) Thesis: Evaluating Portable Breast Cancer Screening Technology for Women in the Pacific 2019 – Present
Lynne Wilkens  , DrPH, MS
Co-Director, Biostat and Informatics Shared ResourceUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center- University of Hawaii at Manoa
Work Email:
Research Interests
Methodological research that extends statistical techniques of relevance to our research, techniques for studying disease associations when the independent variables are measured with error and ethical/racial classification.
Recent Publications
- Wang H, Schmit SL, Haiman CA, Keku TO, Kato I, Palmer JR, van den Berg D, Wilkens LR, Burnett T, Conti DV, Schumacher FR, Signorello LB, Blot WJ, Zanetti KA, Harris C, Pande M, Berndt SI, Newcomb PA, West DW, Haile R, Stram DO, Figueiredo JC, Le Marchand L. Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Study. Novel colon cancer susceptibility variants identified from a genome-wide association study in African Americans. Int J Cancer. 2017 Mar 13. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30687. [Epub ahead of print]
- Harmon BE, Wirth MD, Boushey CJ, Wilkens LR, Draluck E, Shivappa N, Steck SE, Hofseth L, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Hébert JR. The Dietary Inflammatory Index Is Associated with Colorectal Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort. J Nutr. 2017 Mar;147(3):430-438. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.242529.
- Conroy SM, Clarke C, Yang J, Shariff-Marco S, Shvetsov YB, Park SY, Albright CL, Hertz A, Monroe KR, Kolonel LN, Le Marchand L, Wilkens LR, Gomez SL, Cheng I. Contextual impact of neighborhood obesogenic factors on postmenopausal breast cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017 Jan 31. pii: cebp.0941.2016. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-16-0941. [Epub ahead of print]