At the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, we believe that Hawai‘i farmers can produce the safest, freshest food in the world. It can be one of Hawai‘i’s competitive advantages! We educate farmers, and packers to elevate their business and their products to meet current regulation and industry standards. Those standards have been set by agricultural industry trade groups, farm companies, scientists, different government agencies, as well as from recent consumer demands. CTAHR Farm Food Safety Outreach works with growers to provide the best product possible to local children and adults, as well as visitors!
Good agricultural practices (GAP) are for conventional and organic growers – “certified organic” is not the same as Good Agricultural Practices which focuse on the sources of human and animal pathogens on a farm. Contact us for upcoming educational opportunities where you can learn how you can be a proud provider of safe, fresh produce that you and your family will pride yourselves in. We’re also part of the FDA-USDA-Cornell University-Land Grant Produce Safety (educational) Alliance.