Hey! Do you work with military affiliated youth at your school, program or club? What to add more STEM to your program? Join us for a fun webinar on all things 4-H STEM and more…
In honor of Month of the Military Child, Hawaii 4-H Military Partnership is hosting a 2 hour STEM webinar on April 22nd, 2021. There will be two available sessions. One training at 9am to 11am and another training from 2pm to 4pm. (both sessions are the same.) This training will go over how to engage youth in on-going STEM learning and how to build life skills through science. Free lessons will be provided.
We invite to to join in this fun and engaging. You will need a note pad and pen to take notes and jot down ideas. You will also need paper, paperclip and scissors for a hands-on lesson.
Please register at link in flyer…
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