Laboratory School Seeks WASC Accreditation

Laboratory School Seeks WASC Accreditation

In 2011, the University Laboratory School initiated the process for achieving accreditation through the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). WASC serves over 4500 schools, public and independent, from preK–12 to adult. The WASC accreditation process is meant to foster excellence in education by encouraging consistent school improvement. Accreditation by WASC indicates that a school is meeting expectations for quality in accordance with research-based WASC criteria.

After an initial visit in December 2011, the WASC visiting team recommended ULS for initial accreditation for the entire K–12 comprehensive program. The term of initial accreditation runs through June 30, 2015. During the next few years, ULS will undertake a self-study assessment to address self-identified areas of improvement and recommendations made by the WASC team and to better articulate and refine their areas of strength and innovation.

The ULS administration, led by Principal Keoni Jeremiah, believes strongly that the WASC accreditation process will help the whole school faculty and staff strengthen their work as a public charter school and site for education research and innovation as well as their efforts to communicate with their various stakeholders about the many facets of the ULS program.
