12 Jan Educational Research Serving Hawai‘i, the Nation, and the World
The Curriculum Research & Development Group fulfills its own mission and vision as part of the larger university system. We strive in our mission and vision to support those of the University of Hawai‘i’s College of Education and the research campus of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Mānoa Vision
Mānoa is a premier research institution whose scholars are leaders in their disciplines and whose students are prepared for leadership roles in society. Mānoa strives for excellence in teaching, research, and public service. Mānoa is an innovative institution, comfortable with change. Mānoa celebrates its diversity and uniqueness as a Hawaiian place of learning. We build on our strengths including our unparalleled natural environment and tradition of outstanding Asia-Pacific scholarship.
The elements of Mānoa’s overarching vision are distilled into a concise mission:
Leadership, Excellence, and Innovation
Within the Mānoa community, the College of Education has as its mission to work as a diverse and democratic community in three areas.
College of Education
Teaching—prepare new educators and provide on-going professional development in education.
Research—increase the knowledge base in education and related fields through the production and application of research related to teaching, learning, and assessment.
Service—serve as partners and leaders for excellence in education.
CRDG builds on these missions, demonstrating leadership, excellence, and innovation in the field of education by contributing to the body of professional knowledge and practice in teaching and learning, curriculum development, program dissemination and implementation, evaluation and assessment, and school improvement. From its beginnings in 1966 as a research center and laboratory school, CRDG has consistently been committed to the vision of a school environment where all students succeed in a rich, liberal arts education that prepares them for college, work, and citizenship. The innovative projects, collaborations with other leaders in the field, and award winning curricula and professional development products and services described in this report show how CRDG achieves to its own mission while contributing to those of the college and university.