12 Jan Capital Campaign for Renovations Begins
Long before the devastating fire of June 2006, the College of Education and CRDG were in dire need of renovated and expanded facilities in order to fulfill their missions. This need remained unmet in 2008. But, first steps were taken when the college developed conceptual plans, a preliminary budget, and an account with which to receive donations intended for facilities improvements.
Plans for the renovation include replacing classroom and faculty office space lost to the 2006 fire, renovating substandard facilities, enhancing the appearance and usefulness of the Mānoa campus through sensitive and sustainable design, reducing energy use, and increasing usable square footage essential for the fulfillment of the missions of CRDG/ULS and the College of Education.
CRDG researches, develops, and tests curricula to be utilized in Hawai‘i’s schools and beyond, and the University Laboratory School is the laboratory within which this work takes place. Curricula developed by CRDG become a part of “best practices” at schools locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, a laboratory for real world testing of curricula and teaching practices is a vital component of the College of Education’s mission. However, it is difficult to carry out state-of-the-art research in a physical environment that is at best out-of-date, and at worst, presents a hazard to the students and faculty that must work in these facilities. We are all looking forward to a successful campaign that will allow us to continue our work providing the education community with teachers, curricula, professional development, and other services that can help make our schools centers of excellence.