14 Mar Year In Review 2004
Curriculum Research & Development Group
The Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) is an organized research unit in the College of Education at the University of Hawai‘i. Since 1966, CRDG has served the educational community locally, nationally, and internationally by
- conducting research and creating, evaluating, disseminating, and supporting educational programs that serve students, teachers, parents, and other educators in grades preK-12; and
- contributing to the body of professional knowledge and practice in teaching and learning, curriculum development, program dissemination and implementation, evaluation and assessment, and school improvement.
CRDG operates the Education Laboratory, a Hawai‘i New Century Public Charter School (ELS) as its R & D laboratory under an agreement with its local school board. About 60% of the CRDG contracts and grants require access to the ELS students on a regular and ongoing basis. ELS provides a K-12 student population in a controlled environment where CRDG faculty conducts its research and development work. Additionally, ELS serves as a demonstration site for improving K-12 education, while providing a high quality education for its 400 students. The students, randomly selected from among applicants to represent a broad cross section of the state population, provide real world data on ways all students can succeed.
This report highlights the amount and range of work done by CRDG’s talented and creative staff in 2004. As a group, they administered 33 contracts and grants totaling over $9 million, published 41 books, articles, and multi-media products, and served teachers and students throughout the state of Hawai‘i, the continental United States, and many other parts of the world.
Funding Agencies
Go For Broke Foundation
Harold K. L. Castle Foundation
Hawai‘i Association of Independent Schools
Hawai‘i Department of Education
Hawai‘i Department of Health
Japan United States Friendship Commission
The Kamehameha Schools (PASE)
David and Cecelia Lee Foundation
National Science Foundation
Open Society Institute
Quadey Foundation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health
U.S. Department of State
University of Hawai‘i