14 Mar Marketing and Publication Services
In 2004, two of CRDG’s sections, the Office of Dissemination and Outreach and the Educational Publications Center (EPC), merged to become Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS). From its beginnings as two creative teams that supported CRDG research projects, MaPS is now a one-stop center for educational resources and support, marketing consultation, and publishing services, not only for our CRDG and College of Education family, but for other university departments, schools, and non-profit organizations. The multi-faceted MaPS office handles an array of services including marketing and disseminating CRDG-developed materials to schools locally, nationally, and internationally; coordinating professional development opportunities for teachers; creating quality layouts and graphic design; and providing photocopying, binding, laminating, and 4-color printing services.
2004 Highlights
- In collaboration with the CRDG project staffs, MaPS coordinated 20 professional development institutes in 5 states.
- MaPS hosted visitors to CRDG from different segments of the community through a series of open houses. The first welcomed teachers, principals, and other members of the educational community to our Spotlight on Professional Development. The second honored the Education Laboratory School’s very talented art section with a display of work by faculty and by student-winners of the Scholastic Art Awards program Gold and Silver Key awards. In October, MaPS opened its own doors to provide tours of its facilities and introduce its many services to the educational and nonprofit communities.
- MaPS expanded capacity to print four-color jobs kept the printers busy throughout the year printing everything from journal covers and posters to its own new MaPS brochure.
- The MaPS staff was hard at work this year revising CRDG’s website to allow for an even greater level of online customer service.