Faculty Support

Intramural Sources

UH—Peking University (Beida) Exchange Program

  • Funded jointly by UH and Peking University
  • Open only to UH faculty and PhD students in Chinese Studies
  • Covers housing at Beida, a stipend for living expenses, access to the library, and advising by Beida faculty if desired (but not airfare)
  • Tenure can range from a week to a year

Application deadline: January 15 each year.

UHM-Beida application

Chung-fong & Grace Ning Fund for Chinese Studies

  • Funded by a donation from Honolulu residents Chung-fong & Grace Ning
  • UHM faculty and graduate students are eligible to apply
  • A maximum grant of $1500 can support conference & research travel or other projects
  • Application deadline: January 15 each year, for travel between March 1 and February 28 of the following year.

Ning fund flyer
Ning fund application

URC Funding Programs

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate Division administers a Research & Training Revolving Fund under the auspices of the University Research Council (URC) which supports the following programs: Seed Money Program; Equipment Matching Fund Program; Faculty Travel Program (discussed under Travel Funding); and Research Relations Fund Program. In addition, the URC also provides funds for the UH-NEH Endowment Fund Program.

URC Seed Money Fund

The University Research Council awards seed-money grants (maximum $15,000) to full-time faculty/staff members throughout the statewide system, including all community colleges, to develop research and training programs for anticipated future extramural funding. Proposals are solicited twice annually and are announced in the UH newsletter Ku Lama. Revised application forms and guidelines are available from the URC at Spalding Hall 357. Contact June Imamura at 956-4053 for more information.

Equipment Matching Fund

Equipment matching funds for the development of research and training facilities that require a large commitment of funds are available through the URC. Up to 1/3 of the equipment acquisition cost (maximum: $75,000) may be requested; minimum request is $15,000. Requests for equipment matching funds may be submitted at the same time that the extramural equipment fund request is submitted. Guidelines and a cover sheet may be obtained from the URC in Spalding 357; contact June Imamura at 956-4053 for more information.

Research & Graduate Education Project

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate Education Project Development Fund is intended to support projects or initiatives which are expected to lead Development Fund to increased extramural support. Amount is contingent upon project needs and funds available. Contact David Yount, VP for Research and Graduate Education, Bachman 204; 956-7651.

Research Relations Fund

Funds are available to support research and scholarly activities in disciplines which do not normally enjoy significant external funding. The maximum per grant is $5,000. Proposals are solicited twice annually through the UH newsletter Ku Lama. Revised application forms and guidelines may be obtained from the University Research Council in Spalding 357. Contact June Imamura at 956-4053 for more information.

Educational Improvement Fund

The Educational Improvement Fund is intended to enhance curriculum development, instruction in the classroom or laboratory, and academic support; award is negotiable pending annual release of funds. Contact: Planning and Policy Office, Bachman 110; tel: 956-7075.

UH NEH Endowment Fund

Funds to support visiting speaker/lecturer(s), summer research program, and conference program are available through the URC. The maximum per grant is $5,000, and proposals are usually solicited once a year through the UH newsletter Ku Lama. Application forms and guidelines may be obtained from the URC in Spalding 357, or by calling June Imamura at 956-4053.

URC Travel Fund

State funding through the University Research Council (URC) is available to support professional travel that enables full-time faculty/staff members to present results of research or other creative activities at regional, national, or international professional meetings when it can be demonstrated that participation has the potential for additional research or training. Funding is up to a maximum of $1,400 to cover the minimum round-trip airfare and conference fee plus up to $750 for ground transportation and per diem. The maximum award is $2,000. These awards are competitive. The review cycle is every two weeks. Not more than one award is made each fiscal year (July June) per faculty member. Applications must be received by the URC two to three months before the anticipated travel. Revised application forms and guidelines are available from June Imamura, Spalding Hall 357; tel 956-4053.
For more information, please visit:

Extramural Sources

Freedom Forum Asia Fellowships Program

The Freedom Forum Asia Fellowships for journalists provides a mid-career opportunity for professional American journalists to broaden their knowledge and understanding of Asian cultures and institutions through advanced studies. The recipients spend an academic year at the University of Hawai’i to pursue in-depth studies of Asian languages, civilizations and institutions. A study plan combining area and language study focused on an Asian region or country is arranged for each Fellow. Applicants must be US citizens and have an academic or professional background which meets the University’s graduate admissions standards. A stipend, tuition and fees, and economy airfare to Hawai’i from the continental US is provided. In addition, a portion of travel costs for an approved Asian study trip may be funded by the fellowship. For additional information and applications, please contact the Freedom Forum Asia Fellowships Program, Sakamaki A-203, 2530 Dole Street, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96822. Application deadline is February 15.

Fulbright Scholar Awards

The Council for International Exchange of Scholars participates with the United States Information Agency (USIA) in administering the Fulbright Scholar Awards in research and university lecturing abroad. Awards are granted in virtually all disciplines, and scholars of all academic ranks are eligible to apply. Applications are also encouraged from retired faculty and independent scholars. For more information and applications, call or write Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5-M, Washington, DC 20008; tel: (202) 686-7877.

American Council of Learned Societies

The Council’s programs are designed primarily to advance research. In addition to general fellowships and grants geared for research and social science research, the Council offers grants for research on Chinese civilization as well as grants for advanced training in Chinese studies. The latter include postdoctoral internships for advanced training at a major university center of Chinese studies and postdoctoral fellowships for language and other training in East Asia. For the past two years, the Council has also supported year-long teacher exchange between US and Chinese secondary schools. The exchange is being funded by a major 3 year grant from the Freeman Foundation. Up to two dozen “key” secondary schools distributed throughout China have participated in the exchange, as have an equal number of US schools. Requests for application materials or for additional information concerning other ACLS programs should be sent to the Office of Fellowships and Grants, ACLS, 228 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017-3398; fax: (212) 949-8058; e-mail: grants@acls.org.

National Program for Research in China

Formerly administered by the Committee on Scholarly Communication with China (CSCC), this program is presently run by the American Council of Learned Societies. The Research Program supports individuals in the social sciences or humanities with a PhD or equivalent to do in-depth research on China or the Chinese portion of a comparative study. Grants are offered for two to twelve months of research in China. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply. For application materials and additional information, contact the Office of Fellowships and Grants, ACLS, 228 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017-3398; fax: (212) 949-8058; e-mail: grants@acls.org.

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowship

The Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships program supports writers and scholars in the humanities whose research helps to further understanding of contemporary social and cultural issues. Fellowships are offered as residences at selected institutions. Applicants should contact the host institutions directly. The Foundation invites applications from programs in colleges and universities and other institutions, libraries, museums, arts organizations which wish to be considered as future sites for resident fellowships. Further information may be obtained by writing to: Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships, Arts and Humanities Division, The Rockefeller Foundation, 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018-2702.

Taiwan NSC Visiting Scientists Program

The National Science Council of Taiwan Visiting Scientists Program provides a limited number of research fellowships to US health scientists to conduct research or to lecture in Taiwan, for the purpose of enhancing the exchange of information in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. For further information, write to National Science Council of Taiwan, 2 Canton Street, Taipei, Taiwan 107, Republic of China; tel: (02) 2361-4681.

NEH Fellowships

The National Endowment for the Humanities has established a major fellowship program titled “Understanding Other Nations,” the focus of which is on foreign languages. NEH welcomes proposals dealing not only with scholarship and education, but also with conferences, museum exhibitions, library programs, television and radio productions, and the broad dissemination of the best scholarly research and educational programming. A brochure titled “Understanding America/Understanding Other Nations,” which details the types of proposals NEH will fund and provides other necessary information, is available from the Public Affairs Office, NEH, Room 409, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20506; tel: (202) 786-0438.

NEH Summer Stipends

Eligibility: Faculty members of colleges and universities and individuals in non-teaching capacities. An applicant’s project may be one that can be completed during the tenure of an award, or it may be part of a long-range endeavor. Faculty members must be nominated by their institutions; individuals in non-teaching capacities may apply directly to the program. Support is for up to $4,000 for two consecutive months of full-time study and research. Contact NEH Summer Stipends, Room 318, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC 20506; tel: (202) 606-8551; e-mail: stipends@neh.fed.us.

Pacific Cultural Foundation

To encourage foreign scholars to conduct research in Chinese culture, history and contemporary problems, the Pacific Cultural Foundation offers the following programs.

PCF Research Grants

Grants are awarded for Chinese Studies research to be conducted for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three. Grant amount is $12,000.

PCF Writing Grants

These grants were established to encourage foreign scholars to pursue further research in Chinese culture, history and contemporary problems. Period of writing should be one year as a rule, but no longer than three years. Grant amount is $12,000.

PCF Publication Grants

For these grants, the period of publishing shall not be longer than 10 months. The foundation will require 30 copies of the finished publications, which must acknowledge that it was published with grant support from the foundation. The book to be published must be recommended by a prominent academic institution and must be authored by the grant recipient or the grant will be revoked. Grant amount is $5,000 subject to adjustment based on number of copies to be published.

PCF Seminar Grants

Grants are awarded to support seminars on topics that correspond with the purposes of the foundation. Grant amount is $5,000 adjustable according to number of participants and duration of seminar.

PCF Travel Support

The Pacific Cultural Foundation will provide travel subsidies for any participant in its research, writing, publication or seminar grants program. Application should be included at the time application is made for the supporting Chinese studies grant. Individual applications for travel subsidy only will not be accepted. Applicants for the above grant programs must hold at least a master’s degree and must be a non-Taiwan citizen. Contact the Chinese Studies Section of the Pacific Cultural Foundation for application requirements. Deadlines for the grants programs are in June. For further information or application forms, contact: Chinese Studies Section, Pacific Cultural Foundation, 346 Nanking E. Rd., Sec. 3, Palace Office Bldg., Suite 807, Taipei, Taiwan 10567, Republic of China; tel: (02) 2752-7424 through -7429 (6 lines).

CCK Foundation for International Studies Scholarly Exchange

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange awards Chinese Academic Programs Grants in the following areas: support for academic institutions in their institutional advancement, collaborative research, PhD dissertation fellowships, postdoctoral fellowships, conferences and seminars, bilateral operations, and grants for Chinese studies. Preliminary applications are due November 1st. For information, contact Hsing-Wei Lee, Director, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Connecticut Ave., Van Ness Center, Suite 131, NW, Washington DC 20008; tel: (202) 362-2914; 362-2917.

AAS CIAC Small Grants

The China and Inner Asia Council of the AAS with funding from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation is soliciting applications for awards of up to $1500 for projects in the following categories.

  1. Curriculum development at the college and secondary level.
  2. Conferences and seminars: organization of small conferences and seminars away from major centers of Chinese studies; travel expenses for scholars from isolated institutions to speak at major centers; travel expenses for junior faculty from isolated institutions to attend seminars at major centers; funding for dissertation-level graduate students to attend colloquia, workshops, and seminars related to their fields.
  3. Short research trips within North America and to Taiwan for dissertation-level graduate students, and for scholars at non-research institutions, to travel to major libraries and collections in North America and Taiwan.
  4. Specialist or regional newsletters disseminating important information to their respective fields.
  5. Translations of scholarly books and articles.
  6. Collaborative projects in which the grant will facilitate communication and limited travel by scholars working on a common project in Taiwan and North America.

Book subventions and publication costs are not eligible at this time for these grants. Repeat applications for the same project or organization which has previously been funded will not be accepted.

Applicants should be AAS members (there are no citizenship restrictions). Deadline for receipt of application materials is February 1. Successful applicants are required to submit a final report to CIAC and the AAS Secretariat. Applications and queries should be sent to Dru C. Gladney, Asia-Pacific Center, 2255 Kuhio Avenue, Suite 1900, Honolulu, HI 96815; e-mail: dru@hawaii.edu.

AAS CIAC Levenson Book Prize

The China and Inner Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies offers two $1,500 Joseph Levenson Prizes for nonfiction scholarly books on China published during the preceding year. Books must be in the English language. Works in all disciplines and in all periods of Chinese history are eligible, but anthologies, edited works, and pamphlets will not be considered. Special consideration will be given to books which, through comparative insights or groundbreaking research, promote the relevance of scholarship on China to the general world of intellectual discourse. Entries must be received no later than June 15. Awards are announced a the AAS annual meeting in March. Visit the AAS website http://www.aasianst.org for more information on the Levenson Prize, or for a wealth of information on funding and employment opportunities. AAS can also be reached by contacting AAS, Inc., 1021 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104; tel: 734/665-2490, fax: 734/665-3801.

BCLA Translation Prize in Chinese

The British Comparative Literature Association has announced an annual competition open to all translators from Chinese in any part of the world. The prize-winning entries will be published in the annual Comparative Criticism. There is an entry fee of £3. First prize: £350; second prize: £150. Application deadline is October 1. Contact BCLA Competition Organiser, Julie Scott Meisami, The Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford 0X1 2LE, England.

Asian Cultural Council Grants & Fellowships

The following six grants are offered by the Asian Cultural Council (ACC). Some of the grants may have a specific person to contact; otherwise applications and inquiries should be directed to: Richard S. Lanier, Director, Asian Cultural Council, 280 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016; tel: (212) 684-5450.

ACC Fellowship Grants

Eligibility: 1) Asians in the visual and performing arts seeking grant assistance to conduct research, study, receive specialized training, undertake observation tours or pursue creative activity in the US; 2) Americans in the visual and performing arts seeking aid to undertake similar activities (as in 1 above) in Asia. Most of the fellowships, however, are awarded to Asians. Grants are made in the following fields: archeology, architecture, art history, conservation, crafts, dance, design, film, museology, music, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture and theatre. Fellowships are generally awarded for periods ranging from 3 to 12 months. Fellows are not awarded for lecture programs, personal exhibitions, individual performance tours, undergraduate study or activities conducted by individuals in their countries. Full grants provide for round-trip international air transportation, per diem, domestic travel, maintenance, medical insurance allowances, and miscellaneous expense allocation for books, supplies and other grant-related costs. The council also makes partial fellowship grants.

ACC Asian Art Fellowships

Eligibility: 1) American scholars, curators and conservators of Asian art to conduct research and travel in East and Southeast Asia including China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam; 2) Individual research projects, visits to Asian institutions in connection with proposed exhibitions of Asian art in the US; 3) Observation tours to collections, sites and conservation facilities in Asia. Completed applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the planned date of project implementation. Applicants should send a brief description of the activity for which assistance is sought. If the proposed activity falls within the council’s guidelines, application materials requesting more detailed information will be provided.

ACC-Ford Foundation Fellowships

Eligibility: 1) Training, travel and research by individuals engaged in the documentation and preservation of the traditional arts of Asia; 2) Awards are in archeology, art history, conservation, ethnomusicology, museology and other disciplines involving traditional Asia culture. Awards are for periods ranging from 3 to 12 months. Completed applications must be submitted at least 6 to 12 months prior to the planned date of project implementation. If the proposed activity falls within the council’s guidelines, application materials requesting more detailed information will be provided.

ACC-NEH Fellowship Programs

Eligibility: 1) American scholars, doctoral students, and specialists in the humanities to undertake research, training and study in Asia in the fields of archeology, conservation, museology, and the theory, history and criticism of architecture, art, dance, design, film, music, photography and theatre; 2) American and Asian scholars participating in conferences, exhibitions, visiting professorships and similar projects. Grants range in duration from one to twelve months. Completed applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the planned date of project implementation. Applicants should submit a brief description of the activity for which assistance is sought. If the proposed activity falls within the council’s guidelines, application materials requesting more detailed information will be provided. Grants constitute international travel, maintenance, per diem and related research expenses.

ACC-Research Project Grants

Eligibility: 1) To support cultural exchange between Asia and the US in the performing and visual arts. The council’s geographic purview extends from Afghanistan eastward through Japan; 2) Disciplinary range includes both traditional and contemporary arts. Grants are made in archeology, architecture, art history, conservation, crafts, dance, design, film, museology, music, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture and theatre; 3) Art organizations and educational institutions may apply for support with projects of exceptional importance involving cultural exchange between Asia and the US. Completed applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the planned date of project implementation. The council is unable to consider proposals for publications, capital campaigns, and general program and administrative costs.

ACC-Starr Foundation Fellowships

Eligibility: 1) This fellowship focuses on the contemporary visual arts of Asia; 2) Assistance is provided for artists and arts specialists from Asia for creative activity, research, training, and observation in the US in the field of art criticism, crafts, design, film, museology, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. Completed applications must be submitted at least six months prior to the planned date of project implementation.