Ku‘ulei Kanahele (Edith Kanaka‘ole Foundation)
Scott Rowland (Earth Sciences, UHM SOEST)
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
5:30-7:00 PM (light pupus at 5:00 PM)
Art Auditorium, UHM
Part of the series:
Sciences and the Sacred: Conversations on Maunakea
This seminar series will foreground discussions of contemporary issues surrounding Maunakea by providing our UH community with a common understanding of why Maunakea is sacred from multiple perspectives. Each seminar will pair a Hawaiian practitioner with a UH Mānoa faculty member to explore topics from various knowledge systems. Our intent is to create a safe space to dialog about complex issues.
Planned seminar topics include:
- October 29, 2019: Geological and hydrological phenomena of Maunakea
- November 21, 2019: Meteorological phenomena and island weather systems relevant to Maunakea
- January 2020: Biodiversity and climate/ecological zones on Maunakea
- February 2020: Human interactions on Maunakea pre-1778
- March 2020: Impact of Maunakea on our understanding of the universe
Sponsored by the UH Mānoa Provost’s Office, Hawai‘i Sea Grant Center of Excellence in Integrated Knowledge Systems, and the Biocultural Initiative of the Pacific
For more information visit Sea Grant or contact Rosie Alegado (rosie [dot] alegado [at] hawaii [dot] edu).