Foundations Quantitative Reasoning: Assignment Design for Enhanced Student Learning

This workshop is for faculty interested in improving undergraduate students’ quantitative reasoning knowledge and skills. “The world of the twenty-first century is a world awash in numbers…The roles played by numbers and data in contemporary society are virtually endless.” Quantitatively literate citizens need to “look at the world through mathematical eyes, to see the benefits (and risks) of thinking quantitatively about commonplace issues, and to approach complex problems with confidence in the value of careful reasoning.” (Mathematics and Democracy: The Case for Quantitative Literacy)

This workshop features a discussion of effective assignment design, quantitative reasoning assignments, the Quantitative Literacy Rubric, and the Foundations Quantitative Reasoning (FQ) Hallmarks.

Presentation Slides and Handouts
Video Recording Part 1
Video Recording Part 2

Who should attend: Faculty teaching 100- and 200-level courses (Foundational courses) aimed at improving students’ quantitative reasoning knowledge and skills, especially those targeting the new General Education Quantitative Reasoning course requirement. Faculty teaching upper-division quantitative reasoning may also find this workshop beneficial.
Format: Presentation + Interactive Activities
Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 1:30 PM -2:45 PM, KUY 106

Facilitators: Monica Stitt-Bergh, Associate Specialist, Assessment Office, and Sarah Post, Foundations Board (General Education) and Associate Professor, Mathematics