Departmental Assessment Update - Arts and Humanities Report

Department: History
Program: BA
Level: Undergraduate

1. Has your program developed learning outcomes? If yes, please list.


1. Proficiency in working with and interpreting primary sources.

2. Ability to master secondary literature for a specific topic, mastery of main issues in secondary literature for the student’s field of concentration (as defined by department, i.e. U.S., Asia/Pacific, Europe, Comparative/World).

3. Critical thinking, ability to make a clear argument and develop it using recognized historical methods.

4. Ability to write expository prose to a set specification (i.e. Chicago Manual of Style, Turabian) or the discursive equivalent in other media as determined by faculty.

2. If your program has learning outcomes, where are they published (e.g., department web page)?

Department Web Page

Course guide published every semester

3. Do your faculty list course learning outcomes on their syllabi?

Some faculty do.

4. Does your program have a curriculum map that links course outcomes to program outcomes? If so, please include.

Not yet. This is a departmental goal for this academic year (2008-09).

5. Does your program benchmark or have goals for student performance? (e.g. 70% students will graduate within 5 years)

Not yet. This is a departmental goal for the current academic year (2008-09).

6. Other than GPA, what data/evidence is used to determine that graduates have achieved stated outcomes for the degree? (i.e. capstone project, class assignment)

At present, syllabi and student capstone projects from HIST 396 (Historiography) and HIST 496 (Senior Thesis Tutorial) are assessed.

7. Who interprets the evidence of student learning?

The History Department's assessment committee, comprised of five faculty members (not including the Department Chair, an ex-officio member of the committee).  

8. How are the assessment data/results used to inform decisions concerning the curriculum and administration of the program?

The committee writes a report detailing the results of their assessment process and outlining their recommendations for an action plan for change.