Departmental Assessment Update - Arts and Humanities Report

Department: Theatre
Program: M.A. plans A and B
Level: Graduate

1. Has your program developed learning outcomes? If yes, please list.

MA Plan A (thesis)

1. To have a good working knowledge, tested by course work and 4-hour culminating Comprehensive Exam, in Western or Asian Theory/History.

2. To be qualified to teach theatre up to high-school level.

3. To be qualified to progress to a terminal degree: MFA or PhD in Theatre.

4.  To conduct an independent research thesis resulting in a written thesis with original research and thought


MA Plan B (non-thesis)

1. To have a good working knowledge, tested by course work and 4-hour culminating Comprehensive Exam, of the five major areas of Drama and Theatre: Western Theory/History; Asian Theatre; Technical Theatre/Design; Acting/Directing; and Youth Theatre, with one of these areas forming an elective focus for the graduate student.

2. To be qualified to teach theatre up to high-school level.

3. To be qualified to perform/design in theatrical productions.

4. To be qualified to progress to a terminal degree: MFA or PhD in Theatre.



4.  To conduct an independent research thesis resulting in a written thesis with original research and thought

2. If your program has learning outcomes, where are they published (e.g., department web page)?

Department Web Page: 

3. Do your faculty list course learning outcomes on their syllabi?

Out of 8 grad courses surveyed, only one lists learning outcomes explicitly, although 5 more give course objectives or goals.

4. Does your program have a curriculum map that links course outcomes to program outcomes? If so, please include.


5. Does your program benchmark or have goals for student performance? (e.g. 70% students will graduate within 5 years)


6. Other than GPA, what data/evidence is used to determine that graduates have achieved stated outcomes for the degree? (i.e. capstone project, class assignment)

(1)  Screening: GRE exam scores, used as a diagnostic and part of application process; a sample of academic writing; proof of having taken, at the undergraduate level, one course in theatre history, two in dramatic literature, one in acting, one in direction, and one in tech theatre/design. (If courses not so taken, and applicant is admitted, they must be made up C/NC concurrently with work towards the MA degree.)


(2) Advising Check List (enclosed) for the degree concerned. These list all major requirements; filled in at advising sessions held at least once a semester.  Student keeps a copy. Permanent Advisor selected by the end of the first year.


(3)  Committee Assessment Meeting. Committee selected at the time comprehensive exam is scheduled, at which time two other committee members selected. For Plan A, a larger committee might be selected and at this time the thesis topic is selected and approved.


(4) 4-hour Comprehensive Exam including a question in the focus area, and a special question specially devised for the candidate which might relate to the thesis (if Plan A) or special interest within the focal area (for Plan B).


(5) Final Oral Exam (Plan B).  The final exam is on the written answers to the Comprehensive. It is supplemented by additional questions to assess apparent gaps in knowledge, or clarifications on the written answers by other members of the faculty than the committee--the entire graduate faculty reads the MA comprehensive exams.


(6) Thesis (Plan A) is submitted to the Committee only, in the semester following the passing of the Comprehensives.  It may be anywhere from 60 to 200 pages in length and is defended in a

special Oral Exam with the committee only present with the candidate.


7. Who interprets the evidence of student learning?

MA committee members.

8. How are the assessment data/results used to inform decisions concerning the curriculum and administration of the program?

Assessment of student learning takes place at a number of junctures, including but not limited to the comps defense, and in the case of the MA plan A, the thesis defense.

9. What attempts are made to monitor students’ postgraduate professional activities?

The grad chair maintains an alumni webpage at, tracking the activities of many of our students who are out teaching or working professionally. Many of our master's students go on for doctoral degrees with us, or elsewhere.