Departmental Assessment Update - Education Report

Department: Educational Psychology
Program: MEd, PhD
Level: Graduate

1. List in detail your graduate Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for each degree/certificate offered.

For the MEd program the broad student outcomes are directed toward competencies in human learning & development and educational inquiry. The program of study includes a minimum of 30 credits, and completion of a Pan A (thesis) or Plan B (Non-thesis) inquiry of study.  For the PhD program the broad student outcomes are also directed toward competencies in human learning & development, educational inquiry, and measurement and evaluation. The program of study requires a successful completion of core courses in three areas: human development & learning, measurement & evaluation, and research design & data analysis. Successful completion  of the comprehensive examination and dissertation in which the student demonstrates the ability to make an original contribution to the field of educational psychology. 

2. Where are these SLOs published (e.g., departmental web page)?

See #11

3. Explain how your SLOs map onto your curriculum, i.e., how does your program of graduate studies produce the specific SLOs in your students?

The EDEP department has established programs standards for both the MEd and the PhD programs. These standards are then aligned with the department's assessment plans. Detailed information is available in the 2007 EDEP NCATE Accreditation Portfolio.

4. What population(s) is covered by your assessment(s)?

All graduate students.

5. Please list/describe all the assessment events and devices used to monitor graduate student progress through the program. Consider the following questions:

See #12

6. Please list/describe how your graduate students contribute to your discipline/academic area? Consider the following questions:

Our graduate students regularly present their work at both local and national professional conferences such as the HERA (Hawaii Educational Research Association) and the AERA ( American Educational Research Association), work as graduate assistants, and publish work with faculty.

7. What attempts are made to monitor student post-graduate professional activities?

Our graduates graduates are hired as professors in public and private universities, evaluators for public, non-profit, and private industries, academic advisors and administrators.

8. How were the assessment data/results used to inform decisions concerning the curriculum and administration of the program?

Recent changes based on assessment data and student feedback include the following: (1) the need to hire new faculty to develop our measurement & evaluation strand; (2) revised procedures to address student concerns during the end-of-semester faculty conferences; (3) addition of a new orientation for incoming students; and (4) a revision of the PhD program  to include required core courses, replace the qualifying examination, and add an interdisciplinary specialization.

9. Has the program developed learning outcomes? Please indicate yes or no.

Please see #3 and #12

10. Has the program published learning outcomes? Please indicate yes or no.


11. If so, please indicate how the program has published learning outcomes.

On the department web site: and in our 2007 EDEP NCATE Accreditation Portfolio

12. What evidence is used to determine achievement of student learning outcomes?

For the MEd program evidence is gathered from pre-post surveys on student knowledge & skills, course products & grades, and a Plan A thesis or Plan B paper.    For the PhD program, evidence is gathered from pre-post knowledge & skills surveys, end-of-semester collaborative faculty-student assessment conferences, qualifying examination, dissertation prospectus, dissertation proposal, comprehensive examination, and dissertation.         

13. Who interprets the evidence?


14. What is the process of interpreting the evidence?

Individual faculty assess student course work for course grades.  Dissertation, Plan B or Plan A Chairs and their  committees interpret comprehensive examinations, proposals and final products. The entire faculty conduct the  end-of-semester collaborative faculty-student assessment conferences as well as provide feedback on doctoral qualifying examinations and dissertation prospectuses.

15. Indicate the date of last program review.

Scheduled for review 2007