Departmental Assessment Update - Medicine Report

Department: Speech Pathology and Audiology
Program: MS
Level: Graduate

1. List in detail your graduate Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for each degree/certificate offered.

Comprehensive detail is in the program KASA forms, appended. Each area of interest is related to the courses, clinic, etc. from which it is appended.


2. Where are these SLOs published (e.g., departmental web page)?

SLO’s are included in each course outline, in the student handouts, a copy of the appropriate KASA for each student, and soon, on the web. Samples are appended

3. Explain how your SLOs map onto your curriculum, i.e., how does your program of graduate studies produce the specific SLOs in your students?

                        See above.

4. What population(s) is covered by your assessment(s)?


5. Please list/describe all the assessment events and devices used to monitor graduate student progress through the program. Consider the following questions:

        How are written exams used to assess graduate students?


                             In class, seminars and as a two day written comprehensive exam.


        How are independent and/or culminating projects (theses, dissertations, performances, capstone courses, etc.) used to assess graduate students? 

                 Each graduate student does a research project, defends it orally, writes two days of comprehensive exams.

         How are oral presentations/reports/performances used to assess graduate students? 

All classes at graduate level incorporate varying degrees of oral presentation. All clinical activities are of high oral content. Students are required to conduct extensive patient counseling. The activities are observed, critiqued, and assessed by the supervisor(s). There is an oral final defense.


6. Please list/describe how your graduate students contribute to your discipline/academic area? Consider the following questions:

        To what extent do your graduate students present their work at professional conferences? Our students are encouraged to present at state and local  meetings when they have quality presentations. There are at least three who will present in the fall at a national meeting. Students won awards in campus-wide competition this past year and others presented at national meetings in Audiology over the past few years.         To what extent do your graduate students publish their work? 

Most such occurs after graduation. We have had students published in leading journals over recent years.

7. What attempts are made to monitor student post-graduate professional activities?

We are most interested in professional performance and make ever effort to assess each student’s performance. Those in Hawaii’s public sector are subject to ongoing monitoring as a consequence of proximity and our close relationships with the involved agencies. Others are sampled with employer contact, surveys, and graduate contact.         In which industries/professions do your graduates find employment? Hospitals, clinics, practice offices, agencies, schools and the auditory    prosthetics industry.         How successful are your graduates in their chosen professions and careers? We number a past president of the international professional organization in Audiology, and recipients of national clinical awards among our graduates. Most of the practitioners in Hawaii are program graduates, as are most content area administrators.  Program graduates are across the state, the nation, and the globe. They are highly sought.

8. How were the assessment data/results used to inform decisions concerning the curriculum and administration of the program?

Data are reported to the faculty, discussed, and decisions made as to potential for alteration of didactic or clinical programs. Also, we are required to conduct, assess, report and act on such findings as a condition of our professional program accreditation.


        Was pedagogy changed? We are in constant monitoring and changes are made to respond to results of quality assurance studies and any changes in our scope of practice.         Did you make administrative changes? 

We added a full-time recruiter-counselor. More faculty are involved directly in advising and counseling.

         Were there changes in interactions with students? Advising, counseling, etc.                              Yes. Changes are as outlined above.         Were degree requirements changed? We are in process of requesting re-designation of our Audiology degree to the Au.D. in response to national directive.


        Were courses changed? We have a number of course changes and additions in process as a result of programmatic changes mandated by the accrediting body.  

9. Has the program developed learning outcomes? Please indicate yes or no.


10. Has the program published learning outcomes? Please indicate yes or no.


11. If so, please indicate how the program has published learning outcomes.

LO's are required by our Accrediting body . The accreditation standard also dictates where and how they arew promulgated.

WE just completed a site visit for re-accreditation, including a strenuous examination of program and class LO.

12. What evidence is used to determine achievement of student learning outcomes?

Exams, clinical performance, National boards, employer report, superviser evaluation.

 Our student performance on all measures is tracked carefully. results, on file, are very strong. Program graudates routinely peform above the national standard.

13. Who interprets the evidence?

faculty, program monitors from accreditation council.

14. What is the process of interpreting the evidence?

Typically straight forward as much is hard data with historical and/or national base for comparison.

15. Indicate the date of last program review.

@007. Program was subject to comprehensive review by accreditation body. Included was a multi-visitor site visit.