Arts, Languages & Letters

You have selected a major in the:

College of Arts, Languages & Letters (CALL)

Advising OfficeAdvising Center for the College of Arts, Languages & Letters
LocationSakamaki Hall Room D202
Phone(808) 956-8755
Book AppointmentSTAR Balance

How advising works:

The College of Arts, Languages & Letters (CALL) uses a Dual Advising model, in which students meet with experts in two areas: a “Major Advisor,” a faculty member located in the major department, and a “College Advisor,” a professional advisor in the Advising Center, the College’s main advising office.

Major Advisors assist with major requirements and major-related opportunities;
College Advisors assist with academic planning, academic progress, integrating degree requirements,  General Education, and graduation.

  • Incoming students should schedule an appointment for Initial Advising in the Advising Center.
  • All students fulfill their Mandatory Academic Advising requirement by meeting with both Major and College Advisors each semester. Every AH student has an academic plan verified by both advisors.
  • Prospective students can meet with either a Major Advisor or a College Advisor.

  Advising Services

  • Academic Advising and Planning: Half-hour appointments in the Advising Center for a wide variety of advising needs.
  • Initial Advising: Hour-long appointments in the Advising Center for incoming freshmen, transfer students, and newly declared majors for an introduction and orientation to UHM, its resources, and degree requirements.
  • Academic Planning: Hour-long appointments in the Advising Center to individualize and verify the GPS plan in STAR.
  • Major Advising: Appointments with your Major Advisor in your major department to learn about major requirements and major-related  opportunities

Mandatory Advising: Mandatory advising varies by major.

List of Majors in Arts, Languages & Letters

American Studies (BA)
Art  (BFA)
Art History (BA)
Art Studio (BA)
Asian Studies (BA)
Chinese (BA)
Chinese Language Flagship (BA)
Cinematic Arts (BA)
Cinematic Arts: Computer Animation (BA)
Cinematic Arts: Digital Cinema (BA)
Dance (BA)
Dance (BFA)
English (BA)
French (BA)
German (BA)

History (BA)
Japanese (BA)
Korean (BA)
Korean for Professionals (BA)

Music: Composition (BMus)
Music: General Music (BA)
Music: Hawaiian Music (BA)
Music: Instrumental (BMus)
Music: Musical Theater (BA)
Music: Piano (BMus)
Music: Voice (BMus)
Pacific Islands Studies (BA)
Philippine Language and Culture (BA)

Philosophy (BA)
Religious Traditions & Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Civilizations (BA)
Religious Traditions & Ancient Civilizations: Religious Traditions (BA)
Second Language Studies (BA)
Spanish (BA)
Theatre (BA)
Theatre (BFA)

Note: Degrees in the following majors are offered by Interdisciplinary Studies: Linguistics, Hindi, Indonesian, Khmer (Cambodian), Samoan, Sanskrit, Tahitian, Thai, and Vietnamese.